Friday, November 2, 2018

Re : : SEO Marketing Strategy in 2018

Hello Owner,

My name is Barry Hendrickson, and I'm a SEO Specialist.

Most of the people share their anger and frustration once they get my email. But let me show you how there is so many bugs (like broken links, pages that returned 4XX status code upon request, images with no ALT text, pages with no meta description tag, not having an unique meta description, having too long title, etc.), found in

I have a large professional team who can fix all the above issues immediately at an affordable price. I guarantee you will see a drastic change in your Google search ranking once these are fixed.

If this is something you are interested in, then allow me to send you a no obligation audit report.

Waiting for your response!!!

Best Regards,

Barry Hendrickson(SEO Specialist)


Note: If you are not interested, please email with the subject line "No" and I will be happy to update my data base.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

How to open an overseas account

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  Kia Group Limited


  1. 香港公司 做帐审计低至 1800 元(香港国际权威会计师一手办理);

  2. 实力 包开银行帐户:汇丰、恒生、星展、华侨永亨、香港中银等;

  3. 公司注册年审:香港公司,美国公司,BVI公司,英国公司等,

  4. 提供 完全免税的离岸公司

For more information, please contact:  Andy,  

Mobile(WeChat): 0086 131-1314-7438

Professional offshore company services: Hong Kong,

BVI, Seychelles,Marshall......

No tax offshore company services, bank account opening

(HSBC, Hangseng, DBS, OCBC, Standard Chartered, Citibank......)


QQ :  68287277