Friday, April 30, 2010

Alli Alternative!

I'm sure everyone has researched up and down about what foods to eat in order to help get rid of fat. I've never mentioned this before, but I have gone on one trial of the product Alli, that contains Orlistat in order to prevent fat absorption. After reading article after article and consulting with my Asian friends I have come to the discovery that omega 3 fatty acids are exactly what people out there say they are. I'm going to try and explain why these are actually good for you, why you should seek out more sources?, and a little bit of that unexplained science.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
What they do? They reduce the levels of the hormone Leptin.
What is Leptin?
Leptin plays a role in: energy intake, energy expenditure, appetite, and metabolism. It's a very important fat (adipose) derived hormone. This is a hormone produced by the human body (fat) when absent it leads to uncontrolled food intake.
Leptin is an indicator of your energy balance. So, you see everything is always related. After eating something that isn't healthy often leads to a drag in energy which indicates that the leptin level to control your food intake isn't increasing in order to rev-up your metabolism in order to burn all the fat you've taken in. Which is why in every place on the planet everyone will tell you the same thing about weight loss, it's just a deduction in caloric intake and how much you burn overall, 3500 calories = 1 pound, simple. Calories in Calories out (calories are an actual unit of measurement indicating energy).
How does it work?
Leptin works in the brain. It inhibits long term appetite by counteracting neuropeptide y and anandamine. Both are feeding stimulants. Did you know? Anandamine binds to the receptors of THC (found in marijuana) hence getting the munchies thereafter. Lastly, it promotes another aid in suppressing appetite(alpha MSH).
Other helpful information: Only Leptin & Insulin act as a fat signal, controlling levels of both hormones and food intake. Insulin, food for thought, especially those who have trouble with. Another thing I might mention is that the majority of the population who is obese really do have an illness or disease, however you may want to interpret excuses (this is not an excuse), it is that they have overindulged and exploited the roles of these hormones, simple as that.
Alli works by inhibiting the gastric and pancreatic lipases, when this activity is blocked triglycerides aren't absorbed as fatty acids therefore get passed on. (Check out more information about triglyceride free diets, could be why some people have gastric problems). This topic comes up because of Leptins' relationship with Amylin (both neurohormones playing a role in body weight control). Believe it or not, buy Amylin is produced by beta cells in the what...pancreas. Their results (animal model of obesity) are sustained, fat specific weight loss.
Okay, with all of that said, I encourage you to find out your preference of selecting which fatty acids to intake. I was recommended Shrimp Skin, not only for fatty acid benefits, but the amounts of vitamins it has to provide me with the fountain of youth. This recent article on Yahoo! claims that Sardines are the ultimate in fatty acids. I'm excited to learn to like these, I'll try the skin and boneless once first.


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