Thursday, July 21, 2011

Give it Up! Kicking my MUA habit

I have a guily pleasure...I love reading reviews and NOT posting. Long are the days I haven't glanced at emakemeup and seem to care more about Makeup Alley because of its up to date speedy reviews. But in the world of social networking it got gobbled up and has thrown up the masses; I can't get a decent review on the thing. And it has been flooded by the younger (some older) crowd who seems to like to test on live product.
Pet Peeve I'll have to write about later because it is a filthy habit. I do not want to take a product that is contaminated by e. coli because of unsanitary hands. Yes, look up that fact. 100% of makeup testers even at high end make up counters are contaminated with e. coli. Please I prefer that you buy then return. Store gets credit from the company. You don't have a full makeup drawer with unused items. Let the company replace contaminated item. Eco-friendly. Sanitary (I have seen people who have just picked their nose and stick that pinky finger in cream eye liner Eww!) Get a decent trial run.

On to the point--> I am sure many would apprciate comments on thoughtful thorough reviews. Please shoot an email or comment if you want to read about a specific product. I want to get this ball rolling.


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