Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Should I know this stuff? I'm 22!

Things I Wish I'd Known About Dating When I was 21 -- Yahoo! Personals: "Search Dating Articles:"

Okay I don't want to post every article on the internet, but even if I can't help it I have to remember something from all that reading. :) I also don't think that media should determine your life, but it is a source of opinion.

Oh...number four. I should have known that I don't need to do anything nice for someone to ask me out. Recently I didn't have to which proves that "he doesn't need any help."
Guys just do NOT think like Girls!
They won't mature in the next six months.
OMG! This could have saved me and it still can! Numero 12: Learn to cook. Learn to cook well.
I'm unique, special and important, but not a princess. Although this might contradict what I said earlier, this is making the point of  no one else is going to treat you like one. So better off, as mentioned before, you only know your own needs. Be a princess...lol.
I can also relate very well to this one: My wants and needs are just are important as his. And if I don't express them because I think I'm scaring my partner away, it's just saying that I don't count as much as he does.
If my guy ever takes me out on 5 Applebee's dates and then I take him out to one really nice one, how can I ever do that to him. Aww...this is what my partner feels like when I say let's go out to eat. Gosh. It all makes sense now, and I feel like a re-tard.
Hmm...this one is interesting. Men don't think and not because they can't compose their thoughts or their confused.  On the contrary, they just don't think about anything except what they're doing at the moment. If they're watching something or doing something on the computer they're doing and thinking just that.
I just had to copy and paste this one.

27. There should be a medium ground between workaholism and his absolute devotion. "The knight departing for new adventures offends his lady, yet she has nothing but contempt for him if he remains at her feet" (Simone de Beauvoir, "The Second Sex", 658).

Since the beginning of the year I've been having this real bad downfall with my environment, relationship, work, everything. This just says to me everything I did wrong and this is so right. If my partner leaves off on new 'adventures' I'm offended and hurt by him. I want to do everything with him, but I'm upset when he doesn't. However when we didn't have jobs and he was there 'remaining at my feet.' We really could have killed each other. Even though I'm also getting what I wanted, "doing everything with him." I took him for granted. Oops :( 

 I should never underestimated the quality of interesting. I need some hobbies to keep my man, he wants an interesting women, just like the one unique one he met. This one gets me happy. 

These last two should be in everyones' mind:
Expectations? They'll ruin every dating experience I have.
I'll never understand men, I should just try to understand yourself.
I like the latter one also, because, honestly it's a lot more interesting to try to understand myself :) I'm doing what makes me smile.

I like this article :)


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