Friday, July 9, 2010

Stay Dry This Summer!

This is one of those embarrassing posts where I post a solution to that elephant in the room question. Trying a bit of humor on for size. Most of my life I've had a problem with excessive sweating. From the moment I started a rigorous activity or faced a stressful event the beads on my forehead would form. I'm offering a solution to the 'pitts.' After bathing or washing up for the night apply two layers of your favorite deodorant to clean, dry underarms. When you wake in the morning apply one more layer and you should be dry all day! Be sure to do this whenever you need that extra protection for the summer heat or event. Applying deodorant at night is more effective since the skin absorbs more during the sleep cycle, probably why it's called the rejuvination cycle as your cells repair, refresh, and renew for a new day and new body.

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